Print Shop Pick: Drinking Bird Cup

drinking bird cup artwork Traci O'Very Covey

Serene. Connected. And completely content. 

This month’s Print Shop Pick takes us to your favorite garden. Maybe it’s a beautifully kept park, or a little tucked away bit of greenery in a crowded city, or your own backyard oasis. As you bring your cup of tea or coffee to your spot and settle in, you feel the world settle around you. Sunlight filters through leaves, gentle earth under your feet reminds you that all is well and, when your spirit is as calm as the vast blue sky, a bird alights on the edge of your cup to share in your happiness.

Drinking Bird Cup captures the moment when green leaves and blue sky and your heart connect, and the peace you feel is an invitation to life. 

Visit my Print Shop to bring the sweet connection of Drinking Bird Cup into your home. 

Print Shop Pick is a monthly feature that invites us to enter into the rich and joyous world of art, one print at a time. I believe that art isn’t only for museums, and created my Print Shop so everyone can experience the happiness and meaning of art in their everyday lives and spaces.


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