Print Shop Picks: Farmers Market

Fresh. Flavorful. Ripe with pleasure.

This month’s Print Shop Pick takes us to the Farmers Market where friendly farmers generously offer the fruits of their labor. Abundant displays of freshly harvested bounty beckon you in a rainbow of color. Juicy red strawberries and crisp orange carrots dance with sweet green peas. Velvet-red beets pulled from the soil just this morning share space with apples plucked from a leafy branch on a lazy summer afternoon. The once-a-year pleasure of this season’s luscious tomatoes makes your heart sing and your mouth water.

Created as art to promote the Downtown Farmers Market, Farmers Market captures the moment when gratitude fills your heart for the abundance of the earth and the growers who nurture our land for fresh food. 

Visit my Print Shop to bring that farm-fresh feeling into your home.

Print Shop Pick is a weekly feature that invites us to enter into the rich and joyous world of art, one print at a time. I believe that art isn’t only for museums, and created my Print Shop so everyone can experience the happiness and meaning of art in their everyday lives and spaces.


Print Shop Picks: Corn & Tomatoes