Print Shop Pick: Landscape Cup

Clear. Light. And filled with grace. 

This month’s Print Shop Pick takes us to a sun-dappled autumn field. Blond stalks of tall grass sway with a gentle breeze, brushing against the cloudless sky, brushing away the busyness of the day. Across the valley a placid lake reflects the heavenward climb of mountains; in your hand a tea cup -- with just a sip left -- catches the gentle, downward drift of burnished leaves.

Landscape Cup captures the moment when the serenity of the distant landscape matches the serenity in your heart. 
Visit my Print Shop to bring the grace-filled peace of Landscape Cup into your home.

Print Shop Pick is a monthly feature that invites us to enter into the rich and joyous world of art, one print at a time. I believe that art isn’t only for museums, and created my Print Shop so everyone can experience the happiness and meaning of art in their everyday lives and spaces.


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