Print Shop Pick: Comfort Food

Ease. Acceptance. And a healthy dose of pleasure. 

This month’s Print Shop Pick takes us to a moonlit night. The kind that feels like a soothing benediction after a long day. The kind that is all the more magical for cherished company and plates bearing savory, sweet, soul-satisfying food. The kind that leaves you with the memory of starlight sparkling on an almost empty bottle of wine, the sweet red petals of a moon blossom, and you.

Created as an illustration for the Comfort Food menu in Karin Eastham’s “Cook the Part: Delicious, Interactive and Fun Team Cooking,” Comfort Food captures the moment when a meal prepared and shared with love nourishes you in body and soul. 

 Visit my Print Shop to bring the moonlit magic of Comfort Food into your home. 

Print Shop Pick is a monthly feature that invites us to enter into the rich and joyous world of art, one print at a time. I believe that art isn’t only for museums, and created my Print Shop so everyone can experience the happiness and meaning of art in their everyday lives and spaces.


Print Shop Pick: Two Cups


Print Shop Pick: Harvest