Print Shop Pick: Apple Orchard

Fresh. Crisp. And full of flavor. 

This month’s Print Shop Pick takes us to the verdant slopes of an apple orchard, where the summer sun and rain has yielded a fall harvest as lush and extravagant as a field of jewels. Ruby-red apples that taste like an autumn day gently weigh their branches, inviting you to reach out your hand and touch, pick, smell, savor. Your senses are full. Your basket is full. Your heart is full. And all is well.

Apple Orchard captures that moment when all of your cares disappear for an instant and you get lost in the boundless beauty of nature, whose generosity never fails. 

Visit my Print Shop to bring the autumnal bounty of Apple Orchard into your home. See link in comments.

Print Shop Pick is a monthly feature that invites us to enter into the rich and joyous world of art, one print at a time. I believe that art isn’t only for museums, and created my Print Shop so everyone can experience the happiness and meaning of art in their everyday lives and spaces.


Print Shop Pick: Harvest


A Mural Showcasing the Salt Lake Valley